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Employee Wellness Programs

Give your company the gift of whole-healthy employees

The post-pandemic workforce and workplace have certainly changed.  Let's work together to optimize your company's health by bolstering your employees’ whole-health and well-being.


The intangibles that cultivate whole-healthy employees create tangible benefits in any business.

Higher Profits - Company Loyalty - Improved Productivity - Pleasant Work Atmosphere - Collaborative Teams

Look below for a variety of options.

Employee Wellness Seminars

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Wellness is so much more than diet and exercise. We are all whole beings that benefit from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Michelle will come to your place of business to offer your choice of seminars on self-care and whole-health topics. The most popular is stress management - understanding how stress affects the whole person (body, mind and spirit), then learning effective ways to minimize the effects of stress so you and your employees approach daily responsibilities as your best selves. This is one of the most effective ways to improve productivity, cultivate loyalty, yield higher profits, and create an enjoyable workplace. Other helpful topics include the power of meditation, easy office yoga, healthy eating, self-care strategies, and more. Click below to start the conversation on the best strategies for your company. Seminars range between 1-8 hours.

Team Building Retreats

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Bring your team to the beautiful Higher Power Health & Yoga studio in Osage City, or Michelle can come to any location you desire. Each team-building retreat cultivates collaborative relationship building through self-care and self-awareness activities. The highlight can be deep relaxation through restorative yoga, creating vision boards, goal setting through manifestation techniques. The team also decides how to hold each other accountable in their self-care journey. Retreats can be half or full day, and truly are a treat. Food and beverages provided. Click below to find out how to make this happen.

Intensive Care

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Hire Michelle for a week,  several months, or anywhere in between. Michelle will come to your place of business and work with you to assess the whole-health needs of your full staff or a particular department. Then together, we will form a custom plan to implement strategies that will best meet the needs of your employees, and in turn - your company. Strategies can include individual or group life or career coaching, seminars, meditation workshops, team-building, assessing accountability needs, office fitness plans, etc. The possibilities are endless. Click below to start a conversation about how you want your business to flourish through flourishing employees.

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