School Training Programs
Introduce The Benefits of Mindfulness To Your Students, Your Staff, Your Whole School.

Where Do We Begin?
Where would you like to begin? Benefits can be realized with anyone, any age. Truly, the possibilities are endless. If you would like to create a culture of resilience, equanimity and regulation in your classroom, your school, even your whole district, contact Michelle right away. Below are a few ways to get started.
Implement Mindfulness Practices In The Classroom

Michelle will help you understand the physiological response to stress and how this affects student behavior in the classroom, at recess, and at home. She will offer strategies that help you teach and foster self-regulation and self-awareness in your students. This training is perfect for any teacher that wants to affect real change in classroom dynamics. Click below to find out how to book Michelle for your next professional development in-service.
Learn Self Care Practices

Michelle can help you ward off burn-out before it comes knocking on your door, or help guide you out of that lonely place. The demands on teachers' time, attention, emotions, and cognitive skills are taxing. Learn how to combat the effects of stress in the stressful moments and in times of ease. This training is perfect for anyone that desires a sense of calm and equanimity in their daily life. Investment in yourself not only benefits you, but all those that surround you. Click below to find out how to bring Michelle to your school for professional development on staff self-care.
Help Students Reduce Stress And Anxiety

Pressures on students are at an all-time high, coming from every direction - parents, teachers, coaches, and peers. Oftentimes, the most intense pressure comes from the self. They can place unrealistic expectations on themselves, demanding perfection at every turn. Michelle can help these student groups find balance in the many hats they wear - student/athlete/employee/son/daughter/friend/self. She will help them discover the benefits of self-care and true recreation. Click below to invite Michelle to speak to your team or organization. She can also coach students one-on-one.