Welcome! I'm Michelle Robert, founder of The Higher Power Wellness Community. My passion is to offer you a grace-filled, whole-health, comprehensive approach to living a healthier lifestyle. Please watch this video as I explain how that's done here in the community.
Here's What's Offered Each Week
Enjoy a quick preview of each engagement.
This short time of centering will help you
Land on an intention for your week
Prepare the body, mind, and spirit to hold the intention
Serve as a prompt for your daily or weekly journaling
Gain support and encouragement to start your week
This is a lesson that supports a healthy lifestyle (which includes all components of the self - body, mind, and spirit).
The lesson will contain research, insights I’ve gained from my own experiences, suggestions for you to try, and space for discussion
I encourage you to take notes in a notebook that is dedicated solely to this platform
My goal is to be systematic in the delivery of topics. Each lesson builds upon the previous lesson.
This 12-minute meditation is a great way to stay connected to the community
It’s easy enough to even join from your phone
It’s purposefully offered during the lunch hour so those that work traditional hours can join live
It’s a great way to either start or end your lunch hour so food digests well, and you feel refreshed
It’s mid-week time slot is a little accountability check-in. Simply showing up in is a great way to stay committed and show and receive support from others
This time holds a variety of wellness strategies to keep adding tools to your health and wellness toolbelt.
Pranayama (breathing techniques)
Movement - yoga, somatic movement, free dance
Meditation - mudras, visualization
Body work - Qi Gong, Meridian tapping, Reflexology
Journaling exercises
Sound and frequency healing
Why Choose The Higher Power Wellness Community With Michelle?

You don't need fixed, you just need supported. This is what I wholeheartedly believe, and I'd love the community to be your source of support to get you started on a brand-new wellness journey. Not only can I relate to how you’re feeling, but I’ve tried what you’ve tried! All the diet fads, exercise routines, self-help books, pharmaceuticals, etc. At best, they offered short-term benefits, and at worst, destructive results. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, lingered in clouds of confusion, and even found myself down some pretty expensive rabbit trails.
BUT! Eventually I found my way out of that fog and realized that happiness and joy don’t depend on a dress size. Yes, I lost about 40 pounds and kept them off for 14 years. But that weight loss wasn’t (and still isn’t) the beginning and end of my life satisfaction. In fact, the weight loss was a by-product of my holistic transformation. As I began to balance my nervous system and fostered self-awareness, the weight slowly melted off. It was just part of me returning to me.
And it’s become my passion and joy to connect with and accompany anyone that is ready to manifest meaningful change in their life. As I reflect on my painful years of living in depression when guilt and anger played such a large role in my life, I so desperately wanted someone to take my hand and show me a way out. A way out of the roller coaster dieting, out of negative self-talk, out of gauging my happiness by numbers on a scale. But most importantly, a way into a freer, healthier, vibrant life.
This is what I want for you, and I can help you find your way back to you. A balanced YOU that feels comfortable in your own skin. An aware YOU that develops a healthy relationship with food. An empowered YOU that feels in control of your own destiny. A resilient YOU with tools and strategies for a healthy, holistic lifestyle.
I’ve gathered a tremendous amount of awareness through my successes and failures. I’ve done mounds of research. I’ve earned several degrees and certificates. I’ve taught these concepts and skills to thousands, and now I’m ready to hold your hand in this Community - through a systematic, holistic approach to your transformation.
Because I know - you don’t need fixed. You just need supported.
I ask all new members to start with a 3-month commitment to the community. This will provide you with enough time and opportunity to create meaningful change in your life. You can choose to pay monthly or bundle 3 months to enjoy a 10% discount. Each subscription will renew as stated until you change or cancel your subscription.​
3 Month Membership
135$Every 3 monthsEnjoy a 10% DiscountÂ- 4 Live Weekly Streaming Sessions
- Library Of All Recorded Streams
- Quick Tip Blog Posts And Entries
- Strategies To Regulate After Depressing Moments
- Interact With Other Community Members
- Systems To Maintain A Sense Of Equanimity
- A Safe Place To Ask Questions During Your Journey
- A Mentor That Transformed Her Life Through These Processes
Month by Month Membership
50$Every monthÂ- 4 Live Weekly Streaming Sessions
- Library Of All Recorded Streams
- Quick Tip Blog Posts
- Support & Encouragement from Michelle
- A Safe Place To Ask Questions During Your Journey
- Interact With Other Community Members
- Up & Down Regulation Strategies
- Systems To Maintain A Sense Of Equanimity

You Don't Need Fixed.
You Just Need Supported.
Join Us Today

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I ask all new members to start with a 3-month commitment to the community. This will provide you with enough time and opportunity to create meaningful change in your life. You can choose to pay monthly or bundle 3 months to enjoy a 10% discount. Each subscription will renew as stated until you change or cancel your subscription.​
3 Month Membership
135$Every 3 monthsEnjoy a 10% DiscountÂ- 4 Live Weekly Streaming Sessions
- Library Of All Recorded Streams
- Quick Tip Blog Posts And Entries
- Strategies To Regulate After Depressing Moments
- Interact With Other Community Members
- Systems To Maintain A Sense Of Equanimity
- A Safe Place To Ask Questions During Your Journey
- A Mentor That Transformed Her Life Through These Processes
Month by Month Membership
50$Every monthÂ- 4 Live Weekly Streaming Sessions
- Library Of All Recorded Streams
- Quick Tip Blog Posts
- Support & Encouragement from Michelle
- A Safe Place To Ask Questions During Your Journey
- Interact With Other Community Members
- Up & Down Regulation Strategies
- Systems To Maintain A Sense Of Equanimity